We all have them. I know I do. Old photo albums, slides and video tapes taking up precious space and rotting away in our closets and garages. Thanks to modern technology, we can freeze time and preserve those slides, videos and old photos before they are forever lost from inevitable damage. Not sure how to do it? Here's some ways you can keep those memories forever.
1. All in One Printer. If you have photos and slides and they are in good shape, I suggest that you use your All in One Printer to scan those images into your computer. One of the best models to perform this task is the HP Officejet Pro 8710. With a tray feeder, you can scan a lot of photos in a short amount of time.
2. Photomyne. (www.photomyne.com) If you don't have access to an All in One Printer, you can download this app which allows you to use your smartphone or tablet to scan in those images. One of the best features of this app is that you can scan in groups of images from photo albums, which means you don't have to risk damaging photos trying to get them out of the photo album. It even has an auto cropping and editing feature which will help you save time.
3. Forever Studios. (www.foreverstudios.com) If you're one of those unfortunate people that has photos that have suffered damage at the hands of time, dust, mold or vermin, you can ship your items off to Forever Studios. They offer a wide variety of services such as photo restoration, VHS to DVD, 8mm transfer, and photo and slide digitization.
Don't let the excitement of preserving your photos make you forget one of the most important steps. You need to back up your digital photos to prevent you from losing them forever. It's not wise to only save your memories to your computers, smartphones, tablets. Disaster can strike at anytime. There are many ways to backup your data. You can backup your photos using an external hard drive such as the Western Digital My Passport (www.westerndigital.com). This device along with Windows backup software File History or Macintosh backup Time Machine will keep your memories safe. Want to keep that information safe in the cloud, use Carbonite (www.carbonite.com). At $70 a year for unlimited backup of your pictures and videos is a great bargin.
Probably one of the best ways to backup that data is to save it to Google Photos. Google offers a utility called Backup & Sync which will automatically upload those memories. The best thing about Google Photos is that you get free unlimited backup of photos and videos. You can also share your account with your family members allowing your relatives to view your collection of photos or add their own photos for a joint online family album.
If you have any questions about your technology and your devices, please feel free to contact us at Integral. Our friendly tech experts at Integral are always standing by to answer your questions and help make your technology useful and fun. Reach out to us a www.integralcomputerconsutants.com or phone at 888.256.0829.
I'm the Chief Technology Expert at Integral. You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn , and Twitter and watch great tech tip videos on my YouTube channel. I love technology. I've read all of the manuals and I want to make technology fun and exciting for you. I can be reached by email at burton@integralcomputerconsultants.com